Kokanee have had a record return this season! With over 8,000 fish returning it is the 2nd largest return in more than two decades. We have seen fish in all three primary streams (Lewis, Laughing Jacobs, and Ebright) and several secondry streams (Tibbetts, Zackuse, pine lake, and Idylwood Creeks). Check back to get updates on this years return!
The Three Rivers Chapter of TU will need volunteers for the 2024 kokanee fry trapping effort. Read here for more information. No experience necessary!
An article was written about conservation efforts in the Snoqualmie Valley Record. Read it here.

Help Trout Unlimited Save Lake Sammamish Kokanee From Extinction
Lake Sammamish kokanee salmon are on the verge of extinction, but Trout Unlimited (TU) and our partners in the Lake Sammamish watershed are committed to bringing the population back from the brink.
Due to heavy development in this urbanized watershed just 10 miles east of Seattle (in a county that is home to over 25% of the population of Washington State), native kokanee in Lake Sammamish have experienced a tremendous habitat squeeze and subsequent population decline in recent decades.
Laughing Jacobs Creek -------------------------->